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Shaded Bird

when someone has one they have a shaded bird. if you know what a shaded bird is you can tell if someone has a shaded bird or if they dont have a shaded bird

"hey hows it going"
"great hey wait a minute do you have a shaded bird"
"yeah its pretty new"
"i can tell you didnt have one yesterday"

by alesf May 10, 2023

Facebook Shade

The act of being up to no good on Facebook or Facebook Messenger. Using the Apps to contact people behind someones back.

I don't even want to go on Facebook anymore, so sick of all the Facebook Shade going on behind my back.

by So She Says December 22, 2019

shade shadow

Someone who is so shady that everywhere they go, shade follows them like a shadow. cast shade, shade, shadow, side eye, shadey, underhanded, doing people dirty, dirtbag, doing wrong, bad person, throwing shade, slim shadey

Kelly has got a permanent shade shadow that follows her everywhere she goes, she's done so many people wrong.

by joecoolthefool June 18, 2017

dick shade

When someone throws shade or disrespect to the penis or man attached.

Amie likes guys now, she gets a lot of dick shade from her lesbian friends.

by Amie Oakley July 15, 2020

shade played

when you meet a good looking person wearing sunglasses but once they take them off they're not as attractive as you thought.

I was waiting on the outdoor subway platform for the train to come and I spotted this really hot girl in sunglasses. We got on the same train and once it went underground she took off her sunglasses and I was totally shade played!

by Mel-leeza July 31, 2009

dry shading

Subliminally expressing dislike, discomfort, & or disappointment towards a person or an issue while concealing the true intent of the expression

(I.e.) "I don't know why she would wear something like that, I'm not "dry shading" but I wouldn't be caught dead in that; but it looks good on her though".

by Pas. Art216 January 28, 2020

Shade Club

Another Word For Strip Club

Yo me and the homies are going to the Shade Club.

by Pjjj Flowz April 21, 2020