Source Code

School shooter

A mad/angry quiet kid

When he burst out in rage
When the quiet kid reaches in backpack
If he wears all black
Or if he looks very suspicious

Me:roast quiet kid
Quiet kid: reaches in backpack
Turns into school shooter

by Lil ceasar May 5, 2019

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Salad Shooter

Defined as: Noun: What your ass turns into after partaking in a fast food lunch. It is also another way of saying diarrhea. The end result is your ass spackling a toilet wall with shit. This term is coined after the famous hand operated kitchen utensil sold on TV in the 80's which "shot" salad from a small orifice.

Damn that supposedly healthy sandwich I just ate made me run to the bathroom for a salad shooter experience.

by E2thaP2thaMD September 8, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shooter McGavin

1. A person who tends to shoot the shit often. They are usually known for embelishing stories or creating complete fabrications.

2. A hot roller in the casino dice game craps.

1. "Did you hear Ryan went bungee jumping naked?"
"Yeah, be careful with Ryan's stories. He's a Shooter McGavin."

2. "Step aside and let Shooter McGavin pop his collar and roll some 7s!"

by Erle Kirby October 26, 2006

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Salad Shooter

A salad shooter is usually a vegan individual that consumes too little food prior to a night of heavy drinking, karaoke and or playing video games, specifically Dance Dance Revolution.

The "shooting" occurs about an hour later, unexpectedly, when the victim pukes suddenly - coating windows, walls and soaking clothing with bile and shredded carrot bits.

"Last night was turbo fun, until Emmanuel went all salad shooter in my car."

by claw_machine March 20, 2010

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shooter pooter

someone with the instinctive physical reaction of farting every time they take a shot.

"What's that smell? Man, did Browsky do another shot, cause it stanks." "Hey bartender, give us 4 shots of Jager, and an extra shot of Glade for Browsky!"

by PCruz November 13, 2003

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Neopolitan Shooter

You need a shot glass and a partner to create a Neopolitan Shooter. You get your partner to take a full pack of laxatives a few hours before, and when she has to shit, you assram her until her ass starts bleeding. You blow your load in her ass, and then get her to shit. You collect the mix of cum, blood, and liquid shit in the shot glass, and then take the shot of fluids.

Neopolitan Ice cream consists of white, brown, and red ice cream, and the shooter consists of cum(white), shit(brown), and blood(red) respectively.

Russel's mom helped me to take a Neopolitan Shooter. It was disgusting but satisfying.

by -Master Dan- November 5, 2006

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edwin the shooter

Edwin the shooter is a very sexy handsome athletic guy.Also he is a lady killer.He gets chicks all the time.Also he is a very nice funny and charming guy

Bro u like Edwin the shooter

by PhillipGold December 1, 2016

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