Source Code

Baked Spaghetti

An event or scenario that is absolutely guaranteed to happen

1.) Is uncle Ed making baked spaghetti again for the party?

- Of course

2.) Will the Blackhawks win the Stanley cup again this year?

- Baked spaghetti

by Morehungthanrobinwilliams May 10, 2015

Spaghetti board

A spaghetti board is the act on 3 or more males lined up infront of a table with their dicks out. The goal is for the dicks to move side to side without touching eachother. If one dick touches another members they both have to slam their nuts as hard as they can into the side of the table

Yo lets give a spaghetti boar a go
He touched my dick whilst doing a spaghetti board

by Alf steward February 19, 2018

spaghetti creampie

First you would need to make a mold of your dick then you would wrap that mold in spaghetti and freeze it, next you take the mold out and put your penis inside the frozen spaghetti condom. After that you just start fucking and when the spaghetti is basically all the way de-thawed you cum through it creating a spaghetti creampie. Eating the spaghetti and doing a lady n the tramp type situation after wards is highly recommended but optional.

My first time in Italy I enjoyed a spaghetti creampie with one of the locals.

by creampocalypse September 14, 2019

warm spaghetti

Basiclly just the same as cool beans, meaning that something is ok

Hey mate i've got ur money

Warm spaghetti mate

by woofshoe March 9, 2012

Insideout Spaghetti

When someone gets their butthole fisted so hard the isnide of their butthole comes out, and looks like pasta sauce for spaghetti.

"Hey Jeorge, i heard Tracy tried something called 'Insideout Spaghetti' on you. How was it?"

"The inside of my butt felt very violated and i felt go inside out."

by TheSpaghettiLoverer April 17, 2021

Mom's spaghetti

is better than
Dad's ravioli
Grandma's ginocchi
Girlfriend's tortellini
Grandpa's rigatoni

You better lose yourself in ya mom's spaghetti
It's ready
You better never let it go
You only get one spaghetti, do not miss your chance to blow
'Cause spaghetti comes once in a lifetime, yo 🍝

by hotearlgrey June 10, 2021

Spaghetti Arms

A person with thin flabby arms that lacks muscle resembling cooked spaghetti. They also wave their hands while in conversation.

Glen was having a heated argument with Bob over a road rage incident, Bob got upset Glen was flailing his spaghetti arms around and Bob body slammed Glen to the ground.

by Railfan22 February 12, 2023