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they are trash

nikki and people like that

by Dave Fox January 23, 2004

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Lowlife scums. Like to wear cheap or over expensive crap, such as "nike", "kappa", "adidas", "reebok" "umbro" and many more...
Start fights with grungers/moshas/punks and goths for absoloutly NO reason.
Manage to cram FUCK in every other sentance. think its funny to act dumb which comes naturally to them.
Townie girls come in to types.
1. Slut like, big mouthed wear hardly any clothes. Bleached hair, to much make up and are turnin yellow from all the fags and not enough sun light.
2. The ones that act like men and wear tracsuit bottoms, have their eyebrow pierced and have nothing better to do except for stealing and hanging around in no particular place of value. (eg. bus stops)
The male of the species are not very varied.
they all skank like they have a bad limb, wear clothes that are really baggy in the middle but really tight at seams and joints. They talk like Ali G, and wear alot of "bling" which we accosiate as cheap painted gold plastic, bought from the local market. they think it's hilarious when something goes wrong, crave attention and think they are "bad boys" or "wellard". Often try to be black (stupid wannabe niggers) and wear thinks from america (basketball vests which are waaaaaaay to big) and have writing containing places in america but being townies they have no idea where they are.
They wear their caps way to high and then where their hoods over the top.
Grungers and other non-townies are all unsafe around these creatures. ~They think insults are "JEW" "YA MUM" "I HAD YA MUM" "NIGGER" (which is what they try to be so?) "GRUNGER" (i mean yeah we know we get ourselves dressed every morning not our mums) and other ridiculous non-insulting words.
We are getting bored from talking about the scums so shall finish there.

example of their odd behaviour:
in town buying a drink, townie comes up to my boyfriends mate and says "how old are ya?" he replies with his age 15. now the height difference between my friend and this tiny townie does not stop him.
We walk out of the shop and the townie starts thrusting his chest towards my mate to which he replies "your hats gay" so this townie ATTEMPT to punch him at which we walk away. then an hour later the same townie walks up to me and say "will you go out with me?". i mean what kinda stupid twat is he?

by Francesca, Rajpar, Ryan, Ruben, George and the odd bit of David March 19, 2004

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(antonym ~ greb !)
shop in shitty sports shops and find it amusing to pretend to be overly drunk.
Call male goths, grebs and skaters things such as "bummer boys" and "gays", though realistically they are the ones paying money to see men run around a football pitch in shorts.
Would rather be regarded as the lesser intelligent race due to an inability to pronounce the letters "g" and "t" and have problems when putting spaces in between words such as "in" and "it".
Main aim in life is to get pregnant before it is legal, or GET someone pregnant before it is legal.
Listen to distasteful music which is indistinguishable and write inane rubbish on toilet doors such as how they love question marks.

Mcdonalds employee or proud owner of a ford escort

by nat November 30, 2004

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can be used to mean a complete and utter prick

by toWn-e April 28, 2003

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The name of a really great urban commuter bike made by Electra. I don't know if the seats come in burberry but there are lots of ways to accessorize.

I ride to work on a townie, and thus save gas and cut down on pollution.

by tsorrell June 17, 2005

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Townie:1, typically wears Adidas tracksuit bottoms, and a Donnay top thats is either too big or too small, maby to share with all his/her half brothers or sisters.
2, Their typical insults are based on other peoples mothers like: 'and ya mum' or 'i had ya mum last nigh' another insult is 'wot ya gay' this insult is normaly aplied when you try to talk to them in a rational way. When you ask them a question which seems too challenging they resort to 'ya homosexual lil' gay'.

Standing out side McDonalds and you walk past, they will say something like 'ya mum'

by the jew scout January 24, 2004

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Townies are commonly referred to in the same light as Chavs. This is of course completely wrong. Townies dress up in quite smart clothes, take care of their appearance and generally are alright people. They don't hang around in massive groups on street corners making people afraid to go out. They can be intelligent, and have no qualms with other intelligent people. They should never be compared with a Chav who wears cheap sportswear, Burberry clothing, baseball caps, tucks their trousers into their trainers, have a gormless look on their face all the time and are literally the lowest form of human life. This common misconseption should be crushed.

That townie looks nothing like a chav!

by Steve Stone June 6, 2005

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