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the brittingham tapes

Its not a real video
its just used to troll

If you see someone say "don't look up the Brittingham tapes!" Just know that they just trying to troll you into researching something that doesn't even exist

by San parrot October 5, 2022

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Duck Tape

The incorrect way of writing "Duct Tape"

Person1 - Hey bro, can I burrow some duck tape?

Person2 - Sure Bro.

by Stephan J. August 17, 2014

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Duck Tape

Common mispronunciation of Duct Tape. The duck pictured on the label apparently contributes to the confusion over the name.

"Duck tape can fix anything!"
"Except your inability to pronounce the 't' at the end of 'duct.'"

by Stephanie M. January 2, 2004

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Clear Tape

In hockey, this is what you do to the bottom of your teammates' skates in the locker room to make them fall over when they step onto the ice. It is usually effective if one of your teammates is being a real dbag.

Heater: "I was open in the high slot to clap a monster bomb, but Seto just held the biscuit."

Teammate "Yeah, I saw that. you can always just clear tape his blades."

by Benn Dohver September 5, 2013

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Flex tape

A 20 Dollar roll of duck tape. Just more sticky


by Goats โ€˜n Goats October 4, 2018

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Duct Tape

Can also be used to make into balls and used in the game party time.

by Yacin June 16, 2003

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duct tape

a helpful device to use when attempting murder and/or kidnapping.

"get the duct tape!"

by frickyourchickenstrips October 3, 2019

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