Source Code

June 16th

National Paighton Herron Day

One: Dude its June 16th
Two: Oh really, Happy National Paighton Day

by beatlefan June 16, 2022

October 16th fools

The 16th day of October, is the day of October fools

Fuck u reshma bitch, its October 16th fools!

by Nanjoe October 16, 2020

16th grade

The last year of a mini school, to prep students for Junior collage

Called buy high

And with its Counter Partners Jackson-13th grade, fang-14th grade and Studio-15th grade

16th grade is a hell of a year

by 459395 April 26, 2023

16th birthday

This means that you are now able to drive legally and you’re able to get a job now. And you will probably get your first car. You’re only 2 years away from adulthood, which seems far, but yet so close!

“Hey man, my 16th birthday is coming up”!
“Dang, 16? You’re almost an adult”!

by TEEGUY August 20, 2024

16th September

The day the best person in the world was born.

A: Damn he seems really cool
B: Yeah i know, it's cause he is born on 16th September

by Gruiutz December 3, 2023

16th September

Bash a swamp donkey day

Hey it's the 16th September. U know what that means.? Yeah it bash a swamp donkey day..

by Dimmy1982 September 17, 2022

16th September

Bash a SWAMP DONKEY day!!!

It's on this day, 16th September..that once a year that you can go out and bash swamp donkeys for any reason at all..

by Dimmy1982 September 18, 2022