Source Code

21 august

The day crack heads were born

Person 1:why is she so crazy
Person 2:maybe she was born on 21 august

by Avvvvaaaaa December 7, 2020

54πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

21 guns

the best song on greenday's album 21st century break down. it is a fucking amazing song and you can suck my balls "Zallomallo" you obviously dont know anything about music and you are a fucking poser who thinks you know what you are talking about.

21 guns is an awesome song.

by Xx_charlitos_xX February 16, 2011

88πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

21 shots

The tradition of attempting to guzzle 21 shots of hard booze on your 21st birthday. Each shot represents one year you have spent on the face of the earth.

The man died on his 21st birthday from doing 21 shots.

by CanDA19 June 16, 2006

41πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

October 21

Bi day hug ur crush

Me:I like October 21. A lot bi day

by Taryn_lover October 18, 2019

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Feb. 21

February 21st is a day nationally accepted as "Send a Naked Picture of Yourself to Steve Buscemi" Day. This is celebrated by mailing a nude photograph of yourself or a loved one to Mr. Buscemi for his viewing pleasure.

Dude 1: Are you going to the post office today?
Dude 2: Of course its Feb. 21 I have to mail a naked picture of myself to Steve Buscemi.
Dude 1: Oh yeah I almost forgot will you take a picture of my balls quick.
Dude 2: In the spirit of the day. Yes, yes I will.

by Col. Pooper August 23, 2008

306πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

October 21

When it’s October 21 you have to give 2 people your hoodie Every 2 days!!
If you don’t then you’ll get slapped in the head. So I suggest you to do it especially when it comes to girlsπŸ˜‚

Person 1: Yo! Give me your hoodie it’s October 21

Person 2: Uh I didn’t bring it

National Give someone your hoodie day!!

Person: I’ll give it to you tomorrow

Person 2: Okay! You better

October 21

by Someone from planet Earth October 17, 2019

60πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

June 21

National Rat Day

Guy: "Its June 21st!"
Guy1: "what's so significant about that?"
Guy: "its National Rat day!"

by Gay Kinnie October 30, 2019

83πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž