Describes a person who is unnecessarily rude, and/or who purposefully gives off an aggressive, pseudo sophisticated tone and speech in a way to come off as having higher authority. Mostly seen in places where that “authority” is over-exaggerated and unnecessarily strict.
(So basically a discord moderator/administrator)
(It is the internet, we don’t care how you talk)
(So don’t be a douchebag while trying to sound posh)
Person 1: “What are the rules of this place again lmfao”
Person 2: “It is obviously in —— , Why must I always deal with these idiots who cannot even comprehend common sense, and see for themselves that there is a channel for something as simple as rules?”
Person 1: “ Stfu gump ass mf why you even bothering talking like that weirdo”
Other example:
Person 1: “Is the server big”
Person 2: “Yeah but cuz of that the moderators n shit are like gumps with sticks up their asses.”
Slang for kids with disabilities and are just dumb.
Plural: Gumps
Person 1: Why are those kids so stupid?
Person 2: Oh those kids? They're just gumps . Especially that one in the center, he is a complete gump.
One who is tall, lanky, and uncoordinated
Hey, look! That gump couldnt even catch that football!?!
We’re playing a bunch of gumps today, better get a W.
The act of gump is a definition
Dude im straight gumping it right now
A PG rated version of most swear words that are commonly used in the English language. It has no affiliation with the famous character Forrest Gump.
What the gump is that?
I am so gumping mad at you right now...
Gump you!
Gump this cringe.
Look at that gumper over there...