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When a niece or nephew begins to experience physical distress due to separation from his/her favorite uncle. This can manifest in the form of nightmares or oftentimes, severe crying. Only the reuniting of said uncle and niece/nephew will cure this disease.

Oh no! Maya and Odelia are developing a bad case of uncle-itis. Better get Rami back home soon.

by crembo February 1, 2023

Shuffle Itis

A condition of a raver when they can't get out of the same dance move.

Man that dude's got the shuffle Itis. It's contagious. I don't wanna catch that shit. I'm a shuffle-free dancer.

by Julio-Maximus July 30, 2019

Bitch nigga itis

When you are sick like a little bitch nigga

Joe has diarrhea, and keeps pooping his pants. Sounds like he’s got the bitch nigga itis

by Big_Dick_Johnson_69 July 31, 2021


Amusement-itis is when you can’t seem to make someone laugh, even though you used to all the time.

“I just said a joke” “yeah but it wasn’t funny” “ but I used to make you laugh all the time... oh no I’ve got AMUSEMENT-ITIS”.

by Haha you don’t know who I am May 15, 2020


The act of being so socially awkward and inexperienced when trying to enter a relationship; bad/awkward flirting; you fucktards who can’t talk to girls/boys without messing up somehow and making shit weird

I think Jim is having a case of relation-itis, why is that? Well he’s never dated before....

Bruh she ghosted me after three days, do I have relation-itis?

by SuperGlimpses (Dic)tionary February 9, 2018


American-itis, also known as the American Plague, is a rather serious illness caused by overusing an american accent and resulting in you being unable to stop using an american accent. It can vary in severeness, ranging from only a few words being only spoken in an american accent to your entire vocabulary being saboutaged by the accent. Treatment is unique for each patient, and the illness can vary lasting from just a few days to a whole lifetime.

"Did you hear that ______ caught the American-itis ?"
"Damn bro, hope it's not too severe."

"He can barely say any words without the accent."

by vaqlued June 8, 2023


Everything is about them. People that are selfish and only put themselves first. They make their own rules and refuse to do anything for anyone.

The rest of the world is following stay at home orders during co-vid 19 while he secretly opens his bar to let customers come in to drink and having them pay double. He’s one of those people with me-itis.

by Sandra Dee Will April 18, 2020