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Pi Reverie

A semiconscious state when you allow your creative mind to define a new (or redefine an existing) word or phrase related to the number π—for example, “pi in the sky” carries different meanings depending on the context.

By drifting into a pi reverie, be it by seeing what’s outside the window while pretending to listen to a sermon, or by staring into space or at the cloud in a posture of prayer, Ian has been blessed with a hundred-odd pi definitions on Urban Dictionary.

by Fasters June 17, 2023

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Pi Swing

When the hourly or daily point swings for certain volatile stocks or cryptocurrencies appear to follow the digits of the irrational number π.

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, superstitious speculators who’ve witnessed a number of pi swings wonder whether there could be some numerological or paranormal explanation to that perceived phenomenon.

by Covido November 19, 2022

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Orgasmic Pi

The aha! feeling math geeks experience at the sight or sound of a little juicy or sexy theorem, or math factoid, on the number π—a minor form of mathematical bliss that could last for days in some instances.

Just as Roland Barthes, French writer and critic, associates a good or pleasurable read with a dizzying orgasm, pure mathematicians or number theorists secretly dream or long for an orgasmic pi chance encounter, especially when they’re at their most vulnerable state of mind.

by Fasters August 28, 2022

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Pi Awakening

When an oft-semi-innumerate lay public realize that the number π has so much more to offer in terms of mathematical beauty or metamathematics (or mathematical philosophy), which allows them to experience sporadic aha moments, other than what they had boringly learned about the constant in school.

Going by the increasing number of pop math titles on pi published by math educators of different nationalities in different places, it can be arguably posited that there is presently a post-pandemic pi awakening sweeping the planet, much to the delight of both recreational and amateur mathematicians.

by Fasters December 14, 2022

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Pi on Fire

When the number π is so proactive and paranoid in marketing herself so that she would constantly remain in the mathematical consciousness of mathematicians and math educators, while making herself conspicuous in the eyes of the lay public to be part of popular culture.

To avoid being disrupted or eclipsed by other mathematical constants, all vying to get the attention of the mathematical brethren, it’s not surprising to witness pi on fire 24/7/365.

by Fasters September 18, 2022

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Xmas Pi

When the number π has unprovenly been using dreams for centuries to hint at number theorists and numerologists that besides some Old Testament books in the Bible, the birth of Christ is also revealed via its digits, if only they know how or where to look for them—had they sought the Holy Spirit, the Third Person in the Trinity, for direction, they would have received the revelation instead of struggling with their own intellect.

Divining the virgin birth of the Messiah via Xmas pi would have been a digital coup for the mathematical brethren, who could have been flirting with mathematical immortality thanks to their discovery.

by Fasters December 14, 2021

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Pi Apparition

When the ghost or spirit of the number π would appear to some lucky mathematicians or math educators to reveal to them some of her sexy numerical, geometric, or trigonometric properties—when they least expect her to visiting them, while experiencing an aha!

Unlike demonic apparitions that petrify even diehard Proud Boys “patriots,” pi apparitions are welcomed by both the mathematical brethren and the numerological fraternity.

by Covido November 18, 2022

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