Source Code

angry walrus

Irate Odobenus rosmarus.

Yo 'sup! Deny him his bivalve mollusks at your own risk, 'cuz dat muthafucka be one angry walrus! Werd.

by Truth2Power September 12, 2004

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walrus ass

A huge ass that is hairy like a walrus' face.

Bitch! Don't touch me with your walrus ass! its nasty!!!

by LizzyBitch69 September 13, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Push The Walrus

To exaggerate, to stretch the truth, to blow out of proportion.

"Gee you're pushing the walrus!"
"Push the walrus why don't you?"

by DoctorHello April 12, 2009

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The Whistling Walrus

A sexual fetish act in which the male takes a fatty turd into the woman's mouth and proceeds to fuck the mouth orufus, pushing the poo down the woman's esophagus. He will then shove his dick into her anus and pee while squeezing her tits very very hard. He will then cum in here eye and slap her tities and shit on them. Its cool.

Wow that bitch just got a The Whistling Walrus! I just creamed my pants!

by Davieee August 2, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

makeout walrus

A huge makeout whore. Someone who likes to play tonsil hockey at the clerb

Did you see Lauren macking on that frat boy with the jew fro? What a makeout walrus!

by Tito lover March 1, 2014

Walrus Alfredo

The sexual act of ejaculating on a large mustached Italian Women.

Bob decided to give Maria a helping of Walrus Alfredo.

by MrAssmouth July 6, 2014

walrus pelt

When you put on a winter jacket and you think you look fly AF but you really just look like Jabba the Hutt wearing the pelt of the Yeti.

I bought a new North Face jacket thinking I would look sexy as hell but in reality the hot poontang said it looked like I was wearing a walrus pelt. :'(

by The Prince of Darkness February 28, 2017