Originating from the mystical realms of Egypt, Zane the bane, a mystifying urban legend, has captivated the collective imagination of urban folklore enthusiasts. Whispers of his enigmatic presence weave through the fabric of cityscape narratives, casting an ethereal veil over the metropolis. It is said that Zane, an elusive figure draped in shadows, emerges at the intersection of twilight and the city's heartbeat. His purported malevolence, shrouded in ambiguity, fuels a tapestry of chilling anecdotes passed down through generations. Allegedly, encounters with Zane are accompanied by an eerie symphony of whispered warnings, imparting cryptic prophecies that linger in the minds of those who dare to delve into the labyrinthine lore surrounding this enigmatic specter. Whether an elaborate fabrication or a spectral manifestation, Zane the Bane persists as a lexical relic, woven into the intricate narrative tapestry of urban mythos.
As night falls, Zane the Bane whispers ancient Egyptian curses.
A little short black kid who thinks he is good at everything when he is not and every one hates him and everything about his life.
Zane Awad is a fucking losser who won't fuck off
A kind cunning man who loves vtubers, gaming, and making friends. He has a mother names Cloudy Yumeko and a father named Arfonia. He has love vampires so he gives his O negative blood to them. He maybe a a nice guy but dont piss him off.
Cloud Zane Gemini is so cute.
zane shoestring is the brother to jason shoestring.
oh, is that zane shoestring? jason shoestring’s brother?