When you hear a song that you have never heard before, even though it's been out for a long time.
Girl-Wow! This song is good! I've never heard it before. Who let the dog's out? WHO, WHO, WHO, WH-WHO?!
Guy-So, you're a song virgin then?
Guy-Never mind.
Side character from Keeper of the lost cities or our very own KOTLC. Twin sister of Tam song, with flashy silver bangs and the whole softie waifu behavior, though I might be careful If I were you, she tends to drench people.
Heyy Jimmy, you read about the waifu from Kotlc-
Jimmy : yes Lihn song? I heard that she had silver bangs and an angry twin-
Tam Song : *enters*
Tam : So, who called my sister a waifu?
A soulmate song is a song that you are connected to. It is a song that you stumble upon and never forget. It is a song you could listen to on repeat for the rest of your life and it's the song you could marry. (there is only one soulmate songs, no matter how many songs you love, there is always one soulmate song)
"Dude please listen to this song, i think it's my soulmate song..."
"Then it must be good."
A song by music composer The Weeknd from his 4th studio recording: After Hours
me: yo have you heard of Snowchild (song) yet?
Friend: yea, amazing song.
This occurs when you're singing a song and someone near you jumps in and starts singing right along with you.
A: "I ain't sayin' she a gold digger"
B: ( song snatcher jumps in enthusiastically) but she ain't messin' wit' no broke..."
Someone who finds a song they really like and then listen to that same song for a long period of time.
Person 1: rachie is a song snatcher.
Person 2: I know right she only listens to EARFQUAKE.
A troll type question usually followed by gimmicks of the song "Darude- Sandstorm" as a response. This fad is growing large and is spreading across many "livestream" medias such as Youtube, Twitchkappa, and even the comment section on Facebook.
"Find's an interesting song choice in a Youtube video"
"comments: Whats that song at _:_ _?
"replied: sarude-dandstorm"
"replied: Rurude- replystorm"