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Sausage tornado

When your and your buddies all perform the helicopter in a circle around a consenting other. If done properly with enough force, subject should lift off like a cow in a tornado

Last night me and the boys tried to give Kathy the ol sausage tornado but the aerodynamics were off and we couldn’t lift her up.

by Jfknmendez December 28, 2022

Russian Tornado

A Russian Air Bender Bends Some Vodka In A Tornado Formation Down A Womens Wet Pussy As Fast As He Can.

Dude I Gave That Hot Russian fire Bender a Russian Tornado last night.

by chaseisab*tch February 19, 2021


A "Tornado" is a method of rapidly drinking beer out of a bottle. To „entzünd“ a Tornado you have to spin the bottle in a circular motion. The goal is to generate a vortex in the bottle, while simultaneously drinking the beer.

Have you ever done a Tornado-Entzündung? It's so much fun!

by Don R. Wetter January 24, 2022

emotional tornado

A combination of anxiety and emotional distress and their spiral toward a child's inability to self-regulate, as witnessed in children, often during a regular school day. The emotional tornado spins from anxiety, emotional distress and poor self-regulation, followed by greater anxiety and further emotional turmoil. An emotional tornado can wreak havoc on a child's stress response system, impair maturing brain circuits and increase the probability for long-term learning, behavior and overall health.

Ashley's daily dose of bullying on the playground led to her heightened anxiety, emotional distress from the name calling and an inability to maintain her self-regulation in the recess line; she was experiencing an emotional tornado.

by docec May 11, 2016

The Kansas Tornado

When you Insert your penis into a blender, and hope it feels good

Denis performed The Kansas Tornado, and is now bleeding profusely, out of his cock

by Mr.CockBlender December 30, 2022

missouri tornado

When hitting it doggystyle, ,you stick their head in a toilet filled with shit and flush it right as you're beginning to cum

I was at the bar last night and gave this chick a missouri Tornado

by Rockmfkndaddy May 8, 2023

Tornado Slug

when someone leaves a trail of destruction by the wayside as they pass in and out of your life

that girl from Dakota is a Tornado Slug. she lived with me for 2 months and im still finding her shit in my house

by kobraa May 8, 2018