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She is a bitch that will mess you about, talk shit about you behind your back and betray you. A very bad friend that should never be trusted. To men she will act hot and sexy but when you rub off the 3000kg of make-up you will see an ugly monster.

Your hot come to mine

Next morning


Oh she is such a Zoe

by IK you Zoe June 18, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fine ass thick bih

Zoe is the type of girl u wanna get with , fat thighgs, small waist , itty bitty tits ๐Ÿ˜› The type to have u running back . U can never stop fw her

by Badbitch2471336 March 13, 2017

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A kind, somewhat annoying, girl with a heart of stone covered in tar with a core of pure gold. A Zoe will hate everyone around her until she can form an opinion otherwise, give her a reason to hate you and she will NEVER like you. Zoes judge you baist on personality, if they find you clingy or annoying they will not hesitate to tell you unless you are a mystery to them and your reaction is unknown to them. The Zoe is a broken person alto they are some of the best people at hiding it, ask them about their past and they will either spill everything out or change the subject. If you have found a Zoe that can still feel emotions then protect them at all costs, for this ability can be easily lost.

"Zoe is one of my very best friends!"

by Baka San June 24, 2018

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A very shy girl whoโ€™s very happy and cheery on the outside. When you get to me this Zoe youโ€™ll see that she has more in store besides her smiles and positive energy. Sheโ€™s a girl with many problems like all of us but always looks out for others. This Zoe is very tough and went through so much and she literally is life. When you encounter her youโ€™ll never be able to avoid her because her happy vibe spreads the room and make all those people smile. She has some negativity about herself but her true friends help her see sheโ€™s not so horrid and sheโ€™s the most greatest girl with long brown hair and a side bang and a contagious smile. Not to mention sheโ€™s very honest and can always give good advice and relate. This zoey is to be cared and treated with respect because sheโ€™s awesome wild and beautiful!

This Zoe is a source of life

by JC8787 January 14, 2018

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Zoe hates Black peapele like niggers is white. Jungle fever... ? hates Saturday

is terrible zoe

by fouck November 19, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The biggest bitch in the world with no sense of fashion. She is uber fat and is a liar. She also hates Luke!

Me: hey can I talk to you?

Zoe: NO! You aren't cool enough

Me: * sniffle*

by njs. srs. cdh May 24, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sheโ€™s nice and kind at start, but once you get to know her she is a firefly dragon that likes to burn everything in its path, she may seem nice in he outside side but is a killer on the inside

Zoe Stop being rude
Zoe donโ€™t ignore me so much

by Anonymous True Person December 1, 2018

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