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auto sufficient

To be sufficient in any aspect of life but to do so automatically as to not exert too much effort in being sufficient.

"any time my sufficiency is questioned i go into automatic."

"I wake up every day, and I go into auto sufficient mode."

by CheeseEater4Life July 28, 2009

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auto pilot

When some one is so drunk that they are a ass clown and ignorant. Then they wake up and don't remember any thing! Also known as pulling a Josh!

Josh got so drunk last night that he went on auto pilot and called all the grils bitche$.

by Joshua December 30, 2004

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10mm Auto

A pistol cartridge developed orginally for law enforcement, intended as a mid-way cartridge between the 9mm and .45 ACP. It's ballistics are similar to those of the .41 Magnum.

The FBI adopted Smith & Wesson's Model 1076 10mm pistol.

by JoeBob August 31, 2003

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A term used by YouTuber , AfroSenju meaning as a character in a video game does sexual things with another female/male for no apparent reason.

β€œHey did u see that girl earlier she was Auto-hoeing me today.

by Rob does gaming January 15, 2018

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Auto Aim

A button invented for idiots who dunno what there doing as mess up there whole team. Because your fucking teammate is trash AF

Bob: Play colt we need long range
Jerk: I guess gotta auto aim
gets kicked out of the room

by Aim assit March 27, 2019

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auto sniper

A wicked gun from Counter-Strike that requires some skill to use. It Fires about 20 bullets. This gun is good for Terrorists but the Counter Terrorist Version Sucks the big Cak with its horrible accuracy.

I pwned your n00b ass with the auto sniper.

by TerrorFox June 26, 2004

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When you have been on a night out boozing and wake-up with absolutely no recollection of the previous night's events.

"Hey dude, You must have been on Auto-pilot with the shit you said last night"

"Yea, i was there but wasn't manning the controls mate!"

by StevoLondon May 4, 2010

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