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Biggie Soft

A biggie soft is when your weiner is slightly hard and big but not hard enough to enage in any sexual activities.

Dude, I just pantsed Nathan and I swear to God he had a Biggie Soft.

by Jay-Emm The Duke of Dock March 5, 2011

nipple biggies

A variant of Tig Ol Bitties referring specifically to the nipple.

S: I feel like watching Love Island.

R: I'd like to fondle your nipple biggies!!
S: Sounds great!

by twentyfoursevenbooler July 1, 2018

biggie toke

when you take a rip of GIGAsmoe that Biggie Cheese would approve of.

Yo nik lets go biggie toke in the BIGBUFFALO blastin 100 racks.

by monpon March 3, 2020

Biggy stiggy

When you get a erection after busting a nut

Damn shawty you giving me a biggy stiggy

by Killaski4 May 29, 2022

Biggie Hall

If you have a very nasty smelling intertrigo or candidiasis in youre groins (usually a very fat person) you can give Biggie Hall to someone.

If a person is laying face upwards, you get on your knees, top of his/her face (without pants), rub your groins/ass/genitals against the face so that nasty odor seizes and won't go away before proper cleaning.

Sarah passed out after The tequila shots so jim gave her Biggie Hall, we had a blast!

by Keijjo-98 June 26, 2018

Biggie Grape

Biggie Grape is a great rapper/producer who makes beautiful pieces of work in the music industry.

"Do you like Biggie Grape?" "Yeah, why?" "Because you're extremely buff."

by Samilamila April 28, 2022

biggie chode

biggie chode a nickname given to an absolute legend for his mammoth chode as well as his BROAD personality.

“Where’s biggie chode” “probably doing something awesome

by georgebush*911* November 22, 2017