If your name is Brady page, you know ur bad at video games. For instance, call of duty, fortnite, and Madden too. You defiantly just chew clock and kick field goals cause you suck at the game. Ur not as good as u think u can’t pass at all. Also play a gay sport like lascrosse or basketball lowkey. Like it don’t take skill those sports
Greatest basketball player of all time, and a very talented and sexy guy. Has trouble from time to time talking to women, but he certainly pulls enough men to make up for that loss. Unfortunately divorced to his ex-wife, Rae Rae.
"Look at Brady Ciechon, I wish he could be mine" ~ Random Guy at the basketball game.
A word to describe touching up a girl up in the back of the class. Often used by people in year 10 (United Kingdom).
Friend: Hey look its Noa (Ollies Girlfriend)
Me : Let me pull a Jack Brady
2 Junior Chickens is less calories than a big mac.
Did you see Brady's Peach? Yeah its on the Mcdonald's diet.
A Giglio Brady list is a list compiled usually by a prosecutor's office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues, or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question.
Patrol officer mathew anderson made numerous lies on a police report that leads up to his name not even being worth capitalized within this sentence because Brady Giglio
(Noun) a really homosexual man
look at dat gay boi i betcha he is a brady my homie straight chillin B. "Tupac" 1873
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