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Sloppy Brett

A term that orginated after Brett Favre's 1996 Super Bowl run with the Packers. After a game, the Packer's defensive line would take hot showers together. For some odd reason, Brett would want to join them. As soon as Brett would step in the shower, Gilbert Brown decided he wanted a Gilbert Burger and would procede to insert his meat into Brett's southern ass. When it became time for the rest of the D linemen's turn, Brett was so lose, the sex was sloppy, as if it was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. After that season, they referred to him as "Sloppy Brett".

The state penitentiary is a holding cell for Sloppy Bretts.

by Norwegian Wood April 11, 2006

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Brett Kirkland

A hardcore member of a clique called: M.B.A.M. (Money By All Means). Also refered to as: Mr. Krispy Kreme & Jelly Man! Loves Krispy Kreme donuts and Jell-O. Skeezer-bitch made nigga!!! DA U!

Look at Brett Kirkland with his clik M.B.A.M

by Imoana Lot December 31, 2005

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Brett Baker

A man with an unusually large ass

Jared: Have you seen Brett Baker lately?
Kevin: Yeah that man's ass is fatter than anything known to man.
Jared: I know right

by Lil Reatard April 3, 2019

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to brett favre it

Brett Favre could have quit while he was ahead and retire to be a Green Bay legend. Instead, after many flip flop announcements about his retirement or return, he returned only to ruin his career, image and legacy. So to Brett Favre it is to continue to do something to the point where success is turned into disgrace and/or failure.

Jimmy totally Brett Favred it last night with those girls.

You should quit, you're about to brett favre it

by bazinga12345 December 15, 2010

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A Brett Barnes

Like the Harvey Wallbanger or Tom Collins, it's a drink named after a guy for easy ordering in crowded noisy bars. It's simply the cheapest beer at the bar and can change by location and time of day (e.g. Happy Hour).

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, get me a Brett Barnes."

by Brett Barnes May 9, 2006

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Brett Favre

An old dried up quaterback who won't retire even though he sucks, and a crybaby.

Did you see Brett Favre is going to come out of retirement for the second year in a row.

by brady171 May 7, 2009

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Brett Hall

A magical place where one can find all sorts of interesting people and mind altering substances, from simple alcohol to DMT. It is always hot inside. It is ruled with benevolence by King Kjarlsenn. However, watch for his liege man, The Earl of the Fjorth Flore. To the east of Brett one can find Demarest, a land said to contain the mythical creature known as the hipster.

Man 1: What the hell is Brett Hall?
Man 2: I have no fucking clue.

by Modhet Thastei November 19, 2010

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