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so you think you can dance

Horrible, horrible reality show that was created by the same satan that created American Idol, however, contestants dance rather than sing.

"Let's watch 'So You Think You Can Dance"!

"Better idea, let's shoot ourselves in the face."

by kidnutrageous June 3, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

you clean the toilet so you can shit in it

The world's most perfect oxymoron

Ann was scrubbing all day and didn't want anyone to use the crapper, to which Jim said ``You clean the toilet so you can shit in it.''

by tirtle April 20, 2017

you can just sit there, pissing and shitting yourself

An expression, commonly used in a negative way in order to tell someone to go fuck off. It can also be used in a "you know what?" kind of manor, as an exclamation or frustration. It has the added benefit of insulting how the recipient spends his free time, and is synonymous with "you just sit on your ass all day"

Bill: "Hey, you wanna hang out today?"

Jon: "Nah I'd rather just stay home and watch a movie."

Bill: "Fine then, you can just sit there, pissing and shitting yourself all day."

Fred: "Hey, we're gonna play some basketball, wanna come?"

Joe: "I just had a really bad break up, I'd rather be alone."

Fred: "Well you can just sit at home, pissing and shitting yourself while we have fun ya douche."

by jcer1 July 1, 2013

you can find anything on here, cant you?

You must be fricking bored to type this in. Go outside and "accidentaly" push down an old lady neighbor. Take a camera, and when she gets mad, say its social experiment. It's not.

What am I doing with my life that I defined you can find anything on here, cant you?!?!?!?!?

by Well,IDK February 6, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

So You Think You Can Dance

A show about a bunch of faggots and uptight sluts bouncing around like like retards, bitching at each other over whose prance was better and over acting emotion. This is also known as a great loss of time in ones life, be warned, if you watch it, you will not get the time back.

If i was a faggot I would go on So You Think You Can Dance

by ;.[;.';. February 2, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

You may piss on the smoke, if you can catch it

One can use chapstick as lotion if desperate enough.

"Man I feel ashy as fuck"
"You may piss on the smoke, if you can catch it"

by SmokeyTheBear420 November 9, 2021

You can sleep me under the table any day


"You can sleep me under the table any day"


by MeowMixturesOfDoom2010 August 4, 2010

71๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž