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Canoe ride

When a guy lies on his back and one girl sits on his face and another rides him reverse cowgirl.

"Hey girls, wanna come back to my place for a canoe ride?"

by sympathomimetic August 16, 2014

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moose canoe


If you don't shut up, I'll kick you in the moose canoe.

by King Nimbus February 7, 2014

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Douche Canoe

Someone who is being such an ass that they need to immediately leave your presence and float away forever like a canoe

Wyatt left you on read and hasnโ€™t replied in over a week? What a douche canoe

by mlex July 16, 2019

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Douche Canoe

Noun: The title one gives their cheating ex.

Girlfriend: Shit, here he comes.
Boyfriend: Is that the guy you told me about?
Girlfriend: Ya; he's such a douche canoe.

by RandyRubix September 25, 2016

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Douche Canoe

Someone who is such a douche, that his/her douchiness fills a small boat.

That guy cut me off! What a fucking douche canoe!

by Can't find my nipples April 24, 2015

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Douche Canoe

see Ben Mulroney; or any other D-bag.
Amplified version of original Douche Bag.

Person A: "he was wearing a pink polo with a popped collar"
Person B: "wow what a Douche Canoe!"

by awesome_s December 7, 2010

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canoe jousting

The sport of standing in the back of your canoe, paddeling really hard to the left of your opponet, and trying to ram him off his canoe.

1) Points onlt for hitting the lifejacket
2) No deacking the guy as you pass
3) No trying to tip the guy who beat you

The canoe jousting competition was a real sucess last year, except for Mark... they never found his head...

by Andrew Jerabek September 27, 2006

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