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Hick Chic

A heterosexual cis male normally associated with a rural or unsophisticated background that unknowingly dresses well by creating an unintentional matching stylish outfit. Clothing choices derived from a mix of equal parts unintended on trend pieces and rural casual wear. Often seen in the Eastern provinces of Canada.

“See that guy sitting at the bar over there? He’s got some Hick Chic happening and I want in ”.

by Riverviewguy November 22, 2021

Tech chic

The fashion you see at tech companies. It's not business casual, it's not tech casual, it's tech chic. To be fashionably casual. Look like you're not trying too hard, but you probably did try pretty hard.

Brad's new sales vest was so tech chic.

by Team J and J January 27, 2018

Chic Ironic

A term used by the everyday Joe to describe something that is outrageously pretentious, in a way that pretentious people would stupidly see as a compliment. Basically, anything in the art world.

Gentleman 1: Oh that is rather dashing, this piece of ribbon. What a piece of art.
Dude 1: Yes Sir. That is very uh... chic ironic. Yes.

by The One and Only Count October 1, 2018

planting chics

Code for getting a pizza.

Planting chics?
Sure, sausage, mushroom and onion.


Netflix and planting chics?
Pizza and a movie sounds good.

by diK enieffaC ehT December 19, 2016

skanky chic

A way of dressing that denotes some fashion yet a little skanky

Christophers girlfriend from the sopranos is the definition of skanky chic

by John Belleville January 12, 2019

Field Chic

What ‘classy’ people say to justify getting completely shit faced in a field/outdoor public area

Person 1: You are such a tramp getting

drunk in a park
Person 2: Well actually, I think you would

find I am field chic

by queen hox July 29, 2018

Chic-Fil-A hooker

A woman or a man who brings home Chic-Fil-A sandwhiches and chicken nuggets (non grilled)
to induce sexual arousal from their partner

That Chic-Fil-A hooker tossed some chicken my way cause she wanted to put some stank on my hang low...

by Swampdonk68 March 11, 2015