Gay fag that can’t get any type of living being to smash with him. He typically has the worlds ugliest Jeep that cannot go over 80 mph. He is very good at being stupid and his vocabulary consists of , 1. Nigga toilet 2. Golly 3. Straight dickerd
Stop fucking that guy you are being such a Clayton
Usually a fatass black man who hasn’t found his true lover although can be very caring with a very good music taste. His moms cooking is great.
Beats his dog. Can't cook without instructions. Locks girls outside his house, and goes to sleep.
Who's verballly abusing that Husky? That's Clayton.
A short person that is fat and smells like fucking shit. He also likes trucks and cowboys
Usually short, chubby and looks like a Gnome. Clayton usually looks like a bum and his jeans are also to big.
"Clayton likes to walk around and say hes a gnome, sheesh"2
Clayton: name inicating a person with niggerish characteristics or traits. Sources include:Tubby Clayton (1885–1972), Anglican clergyman, army chaplain and founder of Toc H.
Willie Clayton (born 1955), American blues singer
Doctor Clayton (1898–1947), American blues singer
Farrah Moan (born 1993, real name Cameron Clayton), American drag queen
Those are authentic Clayton niggers.