An argument that is unapproachable; so unapproachable that if one were to take part in it one would lose sense of direction and become part of it in all of its' frustrating nature.
Not a constructiive paradox.
Redundance, chaos, frustration, (hot button issues)
Gun Control
Definitive implications: is that a clusterfuck, once identified, is not something worth wasting your time over or arguing about.
I typically don't talk about race, it's a clusterfuck!
something so messed up and unorganized
everyone slammed on the breaks and ran into each other it was a clusterfuck
Any cluster of servers running Microsoft Operating Systems.
I built a new IIS clusterfuck.
The meeting about harsh breaking was taken by the clusterfucks
A verb of the adjective clusterfuck meaning to turn a situation or room into a clusterfuck of disaster
I brought a bomb to school the cafeteria is about to get clusterfucked.
Person 1: Hey let's go type in Arcane Reborn media
Person 2: In that clusterfuck? no thankyou.
A situation where incompetence, human error and plain bad luck add up to an enormous mess.
The current situation of the Indian Premier League is a clusterfuck of ginormous proportions.