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Coconut Creampie

An in depth sex maneuver when a man shits(coco-) on his balls(-nut), then cums on them(cream-), and finally shoves his balls into a vagina(-pie). The coconut cream balls can also be used to tea-bag an unsuspecting victim for comedic effect.

Jennifer: What did you say he did with his balls?
Betsy: He gave me a Coconut Creampie for desert. It was fantastic.

by CMonster August 17, 2012

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coconut ranger

a term of endearment for a person who is special to you. they are usually well known & well liked. they could be considered β€œpopular”. you could use this phrase to describe a best friend or favorite person of yours.

Person 1: Do you know Juliet?

Person 2: Yeah man, she’s my coconut ranger!

Person 1: That’s dope! I always wanted one of those.

by littlegoon April 23, 2018

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coconut catcher

a typical black person or of the ethnic variety

look at this coconut catcher bruup brrup what a coon!!

by johnous boyous May 20, 2008

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Coconut Syndrome

1. A condition where a person is Arab on the outside and white on the inside.

2. A white-washed Arab.

3. An Arab who was raised and/or born in a North American or European country and has adopted their society's culture, tradition and values.

4. A person of Middle Eastern descent that acts North American or European.

That Fatima girl clearly suffers from Coconut Syndrome.

by LadyOfTheDesert May 8, 2010

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coconut head

Someone who is zany, silly, kooky.

My best buddy and I are a couple of coconut heads

by Lydia M. May 20, 2005

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Coconut Water

Hip people are drinking coconut water as a natural energy drink.

Sadly, claims of great health benefits are unfounded!

Coconut water tastes like dishwater mixed with Fresca.

by quesondriac November 27, 2013

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Coconut Crack

A hairy-ass crack, usually seen when a someone has low rise pants or a needs a belt.

Dude, I thought Stacy was hot till I saw her coconut crack last night

by anal cookie March 21, 2009

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