Source Code

crip walk

a walk used by fake gangsters

jason crip walked all the way home. he's leey

by Nasty November 25, 2003

319πŸ‘ 509πŸ‘Ž

mafia crip

buncha dumb ass niggas that think they are badasses.

Hey, look at those shit for brain mafia crips.

by true to death July 24, 2009

29πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

crip walking

crouch walking up a ladder in csgo

Terrorist 1: Look out; he's crip walking heaven.
Terrorist 2: 了解
Terrorist 1: shut up weeb and shoot the ladder

by low-res anime stab March 21, 2020

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sexy Crip

da secret weapon of any Crip set. Smart crews always have a sexy g wit dem, she gotta be tuff styl. Sexy Crips are da ones who meet up wit sum blood mens, get to the blood mans house, den nexx thing he knows, he gettin sliced across da face seen

"what happened to your face?"

"a Sexy Crip fucced me over"

by Nunnya May 11, 2006

19πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Driftwood Crips

Driftwood Crips is one of most powerful gangs in Toronto Canada

Its really Driftwood Crips vs everybody

by J LΓΈC July 9, 2023

Crip Walk

A walk done by People in gang the Crips

Damnnnn He be doing that crip walk

Yeahhhh Get it jit dont stop

Mf I be fukin wit this Walk!

by Sorda08 January 3, 2022

Harlem crip

Rollin 30s Harlem Crips is an African American and Belizean Creole street gang which originated from Los Angeles. It is known for being one of the most powerful and organized sets within the larger Crips gang.

OHC member: wat u pushing cuz?
Lil nicca: Harlem crip kiwae

by Fr39g30ii January 1, 2020