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bab and dab

when you have had a curry the night before and your phesis is stinging your anus so you wet the toilet roll and dab your bum hole.

'Dude,i had the runs that bad i had to resort to a bab and dab manuver.'

by jakim00n December 28, 2011

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bingo dab

When a moistened anus is blotted onto another person's forearm (or assorted body part(s)). Often accomplished by pets upon their owner.

I picked up the cat, but the little bastard bingo dabbed me. You got any Kleenex?

by Bingo Charles July 25, 2003

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this is a phrase pronounced dab which stands for (Dead At Birth)which is used when talking about any person who should not have been born or should have been put down at birth because they are nothing but a burden or a disgrace to society for whatever reason, whether it be their lack of style or annoying stories.

'Dude, that guy over there, you see him? totally dab, totally dab.'

'That girl last night should have been dabbed man, she had some warts or something going on.'

by DJ Big Red April 10, 2008

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Dab dance

A dance craze that originated in Atlanta, you don’t just do the Dab, you feel the Dab! Let the beat guide you and when the drop comes in, you tilt your head into your inner elbow while simultaneously lifting your right forearm, sneezing is a good example. The Dab is all about swagger, there’s nothing cool about whippin’ your head aimlessly.

person 1"Did you see the football game last night?"
person 2"Yea! Cam hit the Dab dance so hard I felt my heart to make sure it still beating."

by IllusiØn December 17, 2015

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Mexican Dab

A Mexican dab is the act of dabbing in a chain. The first person dabs in such a way that they knock the next person into a dab. This continues in a chain and everybody applauds in your triumph.

'Yo Sam, you see that awesome Mexican dab at the game last night?"
'I know man, it was mental'

by WAWAW May 11, 2016

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DAB Award

The award that is granted to the drunkest most sloppy person from the night or at a party.

Yup she definitely wins the DAB award tonight.

by *Bootzz* June 1, 2011

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dab sluts

Like half of the girls who follow me on IG. They want free shit. Donations they will call them most of the time.

Dab Sluts on IG are trippin.

by Hagstrom April 14, 2015

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