Source Code

punch drunk

punch-drunk or punch drunk; A term derived from boxing where a boxer gets hit by his opponent so many times that his disorientation is described as and similar to being drunk.

I stopped the sparring match when I saw that he was punch-drunk.

by Chad Deese October 17, 2003

700๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

drunk dial

To make a regrettable late night phone call after drinking heavily. These calls are often made by guys to ex-girlfriends or someone they want to date. The result is often embarassment and self-loathing for being a)overly emotional, b)incoherent, or c)creepy

Yo, go take Ace's phone away from him before he starts drunk dialing again.

by Paco March 5, 2005

356๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drunk Reset

A vomit that restores you to an earlier save point of soberness

"I don't feel too bad now but I don't remember anything between here and the club."

"Yeah, you hit the drunk reset on the way back."

"Oh, that's good."

"Not really dude, you were french kissing your girlfriend's brother when it happened."

"Yish, not again."

by H.S. Willsy August 21, 2011

53๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Booty Drunk

Booty Drunk /adj/: 1. A state of being caused by a woman with a luscious rear-end.
2. Emotional intoxication of the ass

"What?... Oh, sorry! That girl went click-clacking' by in her heels and her ass got me all booty drunk".

by Zmandella September 22, 2011

Poop Drunk

When you have to poop so bad, you lose all focus on whatever you should be doing.

I am so poop drunk that I cant focus on writing my weekly budget.

by roger2001 March 14, 2010

Calling in drunk

a. A valid excuse for calling out of work when you've partied too hard the night before.

b. Evading responsibility via alcohol, i.e. court, child care, blind dates, birthdays

We partied until 5am and I passed out on a homeless man... definitely calling in drunk today.

by Hudson Riley July 22, 2013

Revision Drunk

Think of all the syptoms of overdrinking....Not being able to constuct a sentence, stand up, think straight, excessive urination from the caffeine, the start of insanity..... Revision is exactly like being drunk. Henceforth the term....'Revision Drunk'

When you're on your fourteenth hour in the library revising and the smallest of tasks like stringing a sentence together becomes impossible when you're brain has turned into mush from the caffeine and sugar overload! And you can't even walk in a straight line when you stand up due to sitting down for so long.. revision drunk!

by Lampshade28 May 29, 2011

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