A fact purported by a speaker to be genuinely true, in contrast to the other facts presented by the speaker.
The candidate said this is a true fact.
12👍 14👎
A fact is a something proven to be true. A fat fact is when someone says something you can relate to and is just an obviously true. Since it’s so relatable it makes it a FAT FACT. It may also be pronounced as Fat Fax
Billy: Spring Break is going to be Lit!
The act of bending or twisting facts.
To try and use a different fact to cover falsehood where no actual fact exists.
The official story spun facts instead of addressing the issue.
A "fact" made by someone from Arizona. The maker of the fact as well as any other zonies within earshot cannot be dissuaded from their belief no matter how much proof to the contrary is provided. The person delivering the so called "fact" is usually a standard issue "bro" or "chick" with a generic name like "Christopher" or "Jessica". Often made when discussing sports, fringe politics, or, strangely, Canadians. 93% of the time the word "dude" precedes an AZ FACT. When a Zonie declares and AZ FACT all other Zinoes within earshot chime in and agree regardless of their knowledge of said fact.
Zonie 1: "DUDE, did you know that no Canadians are over like 6 feet? Yea it's the weather. It never gets above 65 degrees cuz it's so far up that way (points to what he things is north)"
Zonie 2: "FACT!"
Non-Zonie: "Fuck off that's just an AZ FACT! It's not real"
A fact said with conviction that has no truth to it.
"Royal's has 3 franchises in WA" said Jack. Jack fact....
A T-Fact is a stat or scenario that is horribly over exaggerated. It may potentially just be completely false.
Bro did you hear that story he told?
Yeah, it’s a major T-Fact tho. No WAY that actually happened.
Repeating something obscure found on the internet, as if it was true.
The earth is flat, is a Steve Fact.