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Feed the Dog

(verb) spanking; fapping; jerking it; choking the chicken; turning Japanese; stretching the armstrong; beating off; pulling tongue

D: Are you coming to work today or just sitting around feeding the dog?
A: I would go to the bar but I have to go home and feed the dog.

by Taste_Purple March 30, 2015

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Feeding the Cat

Feeding the cat is simply getting laid.

"Alright bitches were all feeding the cat tonight"

"Gabby did you feed the cat last night?"

by UHART17 November 11, 2013

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Feeding the geese

When you stoke your shaft sentually or another words jacking off or beating your dick rubbing your penis tell it go boom

I accidentally walked in on my son and he was feeding the geese

by Jwrizzle mynizzle May 12, 2018

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a feature of facebook that was introduced in fall 2006. the mini-feed posts the ten most recent actions of a user on display in their profile, so everyone knows what that person has been up to. actions include wall posts, status updates, uploading photos, being tagged in a picture, relationship status updates, etc. works in combination with the news-feed for ultimate stalkage.

"did you hear about shelby and chris breaking up?"
"yeah, she didn't tell me, but i read it on her mini-feed."

by tdm duh December 3, 2006

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Feed the geese

Giving whores free Cocaine for absolutely no reason.

Misael loves to feed the geese after college parties.

by Zombo4Life February 20, 2019

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Feed the donkey

Fingering someones asshole

I was going to feed the pony, but she was on the rag, so i had to feed the donkey instead.

by Donkey feeder March 21, 2017

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Gemini feed

When two people have issues that they can both relate to but not fix, so they continuously feed off of each others' depression and grief, making themselves worse. Commiserating together acts as a temporary solution that ultimately worsens both parties' mental health.

"We were so depressive / You and me together we would Gemini feed" -- Banks, Gemini Feed

I think hanging out with her makes my depression worse. We just Gemini feed off each other, talking about everything bad that's happened to us.

by Lonely Moonchild August 30, 2022

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