Source Code

Pdf file

pedophile, weeb

Origin: forsen fan who uploaded pdf files of underaged children

Here it another pdf file! Pdf Files AWARE

by forsensnumber1fan May 5, 2024

Tucker Files

Critical evidence someone claims to have, but that they won't make public. Synonym: Giuliani Files.

The prosecutor said he had absolute proof the defendant was guilty, but the Court would have to take his word for it because it was all Tucker Files.

by JG_in_SB October 30, 2020

Penske file

The John Doe of files, or, better yet, the Art Vandelay of files. Used to describe slacking off on purpose or due to not knowing how to do the thing which you are procrastinating, in reference to it's origin ( 90s TV Sitcom "Seinfeld") in which George Costanza is assigned the Penske File and slacks off on it instead of doing any work, since he has no idea of what to make of it.

"Yeah, I got this job out of total luck, I don't even know what to make of it. Guess I'll be working on a Penske file then"

by Mr. KnowVeryLittle May 27, 2024

doodoo files

The different types of poop that you take note of for later information.

Lori, did you check the latest doodoo files to see what type poop this is .

by crunchy maul82 February 8, 2023

Hosts File

The computer file hosts is an operating system file that maps hostnames to IP addresses. It is a plain text file. Originally a file named HOSTS.TXT was manually maintained and made available via file sharing by Stanford Research Institute for the ARPANET membership, containing the hostnames and address of hosts as contributed for inclusion by member organizations. The Domain Name System, first described in 1983 and implemented in 1984,1 automated the publication process and provided instantaneous and dynamic hostname resolution in the rapidly growing network. In modern operating systems, the hosts file remains an alternative name resolution mechanism, configurable often as part of facilities such as the Name Service Switch as either the primary method or as a fallback method.

That website is blocked by my HOSTS file

by kubilay12344 July 17, 2017

vrm files

vrm files are the files used by vtubers for their models

person 1: hey !! where can I find your vtuber models folder ??
person 2: the vrm files are in this folder.

by gorou fan April 20, 2022

Gabriel Files

The Gabriel Files (TGF) is a online Audio adventure of Gabriel Mendez, its all over discord and most famous in Australia. if you Find the secret discord you'll get everything TGF related and early access to the rumored 2nd season.

The Gabriel File enjoys being at the playground

the online audio adventure "Gabriel Files"

by The interview March 12, 2024