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zero Followers

Unsocial in person but popular on social media or someone who is reserved but everyone knows who they are.

Like for example someone who does not talk that much or don't have friends in school or public but has a big social media following or someone who is recessive but still everyone knows who they are then they have zero followers

by shaquille.oatmeal77 September 11, 2021

zero followers

Someone who is unsocial in person but has a big social media following or someone who is reserved but everyone knows who they are

when you see someone who is introverted in public but on TikTok they have 1m+ followers then that's when you'll say zero followers

by shaquille.oatmeal77 September 12, 2021

Follow pup

A follow pup is a person who is unoriginal and follows after other people around them who are more liked they usually act the same or say the same things as other people

Chris is a follow pup he copied my slang

by Unknown Audi December 16, 2018

nerd following

A massive following for a certain product, game or T.V. show.

Nerf guns have such a big nerd following.

by Dr. Alban April 3, 2016

Follow the kids

Play follow the leader with girls and take off your shirt. Walk up to a group of 7 year olds and rub those nips. They ask if you wanna hang out so you do. You watch 2 girls one cup while eating chocolate ice cream

You guys wanna go to the park and follow the kids?

by March 10, 2021

Follow Up Thank You

Saying or sending a secondary “Thank You” to someone to show appreciation AFTER the appreciated event has taken place. This should done be the next day but can be up to 3 days later. The generous person should never be left wondering if you enjoyed the event.

Person 1: We need to send Erin a “Follow Up Thank You” because the concert was great last night.

Person 2: I agree, she really hooked us up!!

Follow Up Example Text: Hey Erin, thanks again for hooking us up with those tickets, the concert was GREAT!”

by ThumbWrestlingChamp June 6, 2022

Text Following

When you are text-walking with a friend and follow them without noticing your direction.

I walked right into the men's bathroom because I was text following him

by Texter87 January 14, 2011