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NightWalker Approved Assured Health HolyRoots

NightWalker Approved Assurred (when war is on of any sort spelling changes) Health HolyRoots Is approved Organic Vegan foods and drinks approved by NightWalkers in short, another name for HolyRoots but approved by NightWalkers! but eventually anyone or company(s), an never accepting nuts & seeds oils manufactured in the same rooms or atmospheres! living longer than Methuselah's ages 969 with staying alive forevermore in the flesh to ascend to heaven!

HolyRoots approved by NightWalkers, What I hold in my hand is a NightWalker Approved drink HolyRoots. @NWAssuredapprovedhealthHolyRoots is organic vegan NW Approv assured Health nuts & seeds free atmospheres, I live long past Methuselah's ages 969 only because I take regularly NightWalker Approved Assured Health HolyRoots

by Goodie Tabliser April 28, 2024

Cope health scholars

A volunteer program for high school and college students going into medicine. But they just walk around the hallways at hospitals in a school uniform and aren’t allowed to do anything.

You (a covid patient): *starts bleeding out and like the blood squirts, the blood literally hit the ceiling fan and now is all over the room moving at a high velocity*
Health scholar: *stares at you through the window.
Health scholar: “I can’t go in covid rooms.”
Nurse: “oh god okay I’ll help you!” *looks at health scholar* “put pressure on it while I get blood.”
Health scholar: “no I can’t go into covid rooms. Also why aren’t you wearing proper PPE?”
Health scholar: *writing in a binder
Nurse 2: “tf are you doing? Go get some g-“
Health scholar: “I’m writing an incident report. ‘Patient was bleeding, patient had covid, nurse was a bitc-‘“
You: *died
God: it was fucking cope health scholars fault.

by Sacredfart May 13, 2023

bayside health sciences academy

the health sciences academy is full of privileged, melodramatic people that turn their nose up at everyone not up to their standards. there's no guys in the academy and the girls treat the 5 guys that actually go there like they are gods on earth. other than that, its pretty cool. The medical teachers are dope and super great at teaching. Don't come here for the social scene is all I'm saying, but you'll have some hella good medical teachers

"where you going to school next year?"
"im going to bayside health sciences academy"
"okay just don't act like a pretentious asshole and you'll be fine"

by mbvbitch July 3, 2021

financial health

Not eating all dat so you can get drunk of two beers.

Friend: “Why haven’t you eaten all day?”
Me: “So I can get drunk off 2 beers, it’s called financial health”

by Djossem010 June 1, 2018

Health Class at East middle

A place where someone searches for names in the urban dictionary

Stop doing this please

That girl needs to stop searching names in Health class at East middle

by The_duck_lord_in_health_class November 13, 2021


Health Xenophobe’ is a hospital that said no. The Hospital is not bound by the WMC Slave Owner common law of ‘Zimbabwean Feelings Duress.’

Credit: @DomNationSA

Health-Xenophobe Has Killed Another who illegally crossed the border to leech off a sovereign country's health system.

by Spider™ December 17, 2023


People who are scared of LIFE.

"Look I can't even mind my own business and retain money, respect and composure when for example SECURITY PLAYS RACKETEERING GAMES, RACKETIERING GAMES and others are on the receiving end of a lot of money. THE SUSSKIND PRINCIPLE

Their thinking, "your LOWEST on TOTEM POLE", " as you have no right to be as AWARE AND INTELLIGENT you emanate", so we'll ("simulate mental illness")

Right STACKS , as too bad as do you host a HEAVY SET BLACK GUY from 2500 S EL CAMINO at the SPA to find your SECRETIVE glory HOLES as to to again play the VEGAS PARADISE TRESPASS GAMES at ADULT PLACES ALLAH.


Look some of us are not interested in your COVER-UPS and lack of understanding of an EXTREMELY INTRICATE MAJOR OCCURENCE SITUATIONS INSIDE OTHER SITUATIONS that amassed it's CULMINATIONS in LAS VEGAS ....PARADISE NEVADA where believe it or not you MENTAL HEALTH POEFESSIONALS that need INFINITE REASSURANCE as the POLICE suggesting it to me , don't know their ASS FROM A HOLE IN THE GROUND and the reason some people are not even aware MANDALAY BAY the worst CLUSTER MURDER IN US HISTORY have no clue as my length ANAL ALAN SHIT ASSH0LE the length of time in LAS VEGAS PARADISE and HENDERSON cannot duplicate or even come close to my time there of all my EXPERIENCES and objectively reported in the MEDIA from DECEMBER 10, 2009 TO AUGUST 18, 2021 so please return your suppositions to others who want these MENTAL HEALTH POEFESSIONALS as even a PSYCHIATRIST that talked to me , did two know(no) shows as they never came back, so kindly (ALL OF YOU IMPLICATORS)...GET REAL!!!!

As MENTAL HEALTH POEFESSIONALS just aggravate because they are not giving back what I had taken from me as MONEY, MATERIALS and attempted composure for time to myself ..and they can keep their BRAIN PARALYSIS SHOTS AND DANGEROUS PHARMACEUTICALS to themselves as give it to the ones who are needy. but no thanks I think pretty clearly as I know what I am doing but to be honest with you "TRUTH AND WAVERING TRUST" are major issues with every single human being quite perfectly normalcy.