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no homo

Implying that they are out of homos and that you should go buy homosexuals somewhere else if they don't find any in the closet.

*man walks into a store* Man says," Hello, can I buy some gays?"
The store owner says,"No homo,"

by Ypur pseudonym June 12, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Homo

Two guys doing things that are considered to be gay; after each person responds with no homo.

That was great, no homo bro.

by pษp ษนn November 16, 2019

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No Homo

A term most commonly used by guys in an obvious {gay} situation to convey that they are not actually gay.

Chad: Hey bro heard you got a huge dick! No homo tho.
Brad: Yeah I do, wanna see it? No homo.

by Mr. Podincle October 21, 2018

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iiTrickyTrickster is a homo

by Stupppid January 6, 2018

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no homo

a phrase which should be immediately followed by the phrase "none taken" by those who want to be considered polite.

woodrow: i want you to use my cum as mouthwash and then put it back in my mouth, no homo.
rilesworth: none taken.

by rilesworth April 3, 2007

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a queer ass fag

the homo's loved tha cock

by pimphomeo July 27, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Homo

This is a phrase used when someone in the room or someone nearby says something with the orientation of it sounding gay.

Everyone else must say "no homo" when this happens.

Jeff: so I was watching Dancing with the Stars and I couldn't believe how they could dance in high hills.
(everyone else): No Homo!

James: The new "Jonas Brothers" album is really good.
Fred: really?
Mike: No Homo!

by Fredrich Nietsche July 31, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž