Source Code

Flesh Forks

Using your hands, also known as Campbelltown cutlery

Flesh forks are adequate in Macarthur square food court

by bt23 November 12, 2008

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flesh bong

A man's dick - usually used in a sentence containing gay matters

1.) C'mon, you know Seth takes hits off his boyfriend's flesh bong

2.) I'll probably go to Mikey's house later on and hit the flesh

by Whipshock August 10, 2003

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flesh pencil

Another name for a penis. Thought of this gem back in 09' when I was mixing codeine and whiskey and going to college in Springfield MA.

I invited Samantha over to study and all that bitch did was teach me calculus. I thought she would at least try to grab my flesh pencil.

Whenever Mrs. Nichols tells us to take our pencils out for a test I imagine ramming my flesh pencil down her throat and asking her if I am going to pass.

by Jonathan Allan March 22, 2013

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Flesh stick

1. Another word for penis

2. The tool used to wean and convert lesbians and virgins into useful, productive members of society.

3. A body organ used for urination, sexual pleasure, and for making important life decisions.

4. If you're a man- it's that thing between your legs. If you're a woman, it's that thing that should be between your legs. Basically, a long shaft connected to a set of dangly balls that provides pleasure through friction.A pleasure making machine for both sexes.

When I'm lost in this world, my flesh stick always leads the way.

Hey, wanna ride my throbbing flesh stick you sexy thing ;)

I was sitting in my class wearing basketball shorts and got an erection, then my teacher grabbed my flesh stick because she thought it was my phone.

"Those who grip their flesh sticks as if they were writhing snakes and pull at them until they can see nothing but a tunnel of light are of the Devil's hairy, cum-stiffened hand and should preferably be set alight in the name of God."~ Some lady who despises wankers.

by zingeraddict October 8, 2011

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flesh napkin

when a person is performing cunni or anal linguis and their lips and chin become covered with a mucus-like substance, they then use the inner thigh of their partner to clean their face.

mathew mcconahey: man, queen latifa leaks like a tap when recieving cunnilinguis

martin short: yeah i know, good thing there's plenty of flesh napkin

by jared+kyle November 15, 2007

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flesh genie

A Term Used for A Person who uses a flesh light too much.
We All Have Friend Who Masturbates too much and if they get a flesh light then say goodbye! you may never see them again.

1#Wow is He Still In There with that Flesh light?
2#yeah hes a real flesh genie!

by Logieburr December 8, 2009

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press the flesh

What a politician does (or should be doing if s/he hopes to get elected) during the run-up to an election. It means to make contact with the voters by means of personal skin to skin contact (but hopefully non-sexual), such as shaking hands and kissing babies. In a general sense it implies getting out and getting in the face of as many different voters as possible because if they meet someone they're probably more likely to have a positive opinion of them than the candidates that they didn't meet in person.

Mr. Bush probably doesn't need to go out and press the flesh because he is running for re-election based on his first term record.

by PlaceHolder August 12, 2004

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