Source Code

Gun Jumper

a women who rides multiple men at one time.

Me -"oh yeah you should a been there, we found this gun jumper of a girl, it was awesome."

My dumbass of a friend- "sweeeeeeet"

by scarface447 October 1, 2010

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Friend Jumper

A girl who jumps from relationship to relationship with the friends of her ex boyfriends.

Friend Jumper Shannon met her new boyfriend at the bar when her ex boyfriend introduced her to him.

by 89Nick July 24, 2014

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puddle jumper

The Concorde.

A flight across the Atlantic Ocean in the Concorde usually referenced by a wealthy person that often flew in the Concorde.

"We're hopping on the puddle jumper to Paris for dinner and a show."

by neoretro88 July 11, 2008

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Bridge Jumper

A Bridge Jumper is somebody who tries to jump off a bridge in TB Peninsula only to find that the bridge has an invisible wall. It is mainly attempted by members of a guild called Thundercats on the Shattered Hand server. They happen to be a guild full of pre-teen homosexual experimentalists who also gain sexual gratification through attempting to kill members of the opposing faction who are in the process of questing.

Windscythe: "Hey can I go through the side of this bridge?"
Manglespam: "No. What are you a Bridge Jumper?"
Windscythe: "Oh I'm so sorry. Can I suck your dick?"
Manglespam: "Yes, but only figuratively."

by TEH BATMANS April 15, 2011

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cliff jumper

Kind of a misnomer. Refers to someone so incredibly hot/beautiful that they could convince you of doing something crazy, like jumping off a cliff.

Guy: Check out Vanessa.
Dude: Yeah man.
Guy: Cliff jumper?
Dude: Mos def. I'd totally jump ship for her.

by Mark November 25, 2004

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base jumper

A variation on the classic Eiffel Tower. Two normal-sized men set up a Mexican Barbeque on a woman, and join hands. A midget with a kiddie-sized BASE jumping gear is hanging from the waist of the woman, and is fucking her vagina. When the midget cums, he releases his grip on the woman, falling to the ground like a base jumper.

Did you know that Wee-Man's last role in a film was as a base jumper?

by MrKoi May 16, 2007

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Roof Jumpers

Nina, Laura, and Alexia. They simply jump off the roof and into the pool while Alexia's mom isn't home and her nanny watches. After, they get in their pajamas and walk next to US1 to get hit on by ugly acne scarred men. They then go back to Alexia's house and sex the momennt in Alexia's unfurnished living room where then Jacob, Alexia's lover gets jealouse. Oh yes, the three girls also lick eachothers breasts wiht clothes on. ;) :)

Laura, Nina, and Alexia are roof jumping of 3 stories the next time the attempt a stunt.

by alfie January 24, 2005

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