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National send nudes day

National send nudes day is held on April 17. On this day you can ask anyone you’ve ever wanted to for nudes and they have to. Use this day wisely!

Omg should I ask Bryan for nudes? I mean it is National Send Nudes day.

by SixInchCock April 18, 2020

National Send Nudes Day

April 13th is the day you send nudes to someone you
feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.
Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Justsomeguyy86 April 13, 2021

National Send Nudes Day

October 14th a day where you can ask anyone for nudes and they have to send them

"did you hear it's National Send Nudes Day" Yeah I'm gonna tell my girlfriend and finally get those nudes"

by PokemonMaster227 October 12, 2019

National Send Nudes Day

October 14th a day where you can ask anyone for nudes and they have to send them

"did you hear it's National Send Nudes Day" Yeah I'm gonna tell my girlfriend and finally get those nudes"

by PokemonMaster227 October 12, 2019

National Send Nudes Day

National Send Nudes Day is every single day of the year, get sending!

you should send nudes to those you care about because its National Send Nudes Day!

by wjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj April 21, 2018

National Send Nudes Day

June 25 is a day where you send nudes to people you feel comfortable with

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Lightsaber_dildo June 25, 2019

National send nudes day

A day when anyone you ask must send you nudes.

You may ask anyone from your partner to a friend.

Person 1 - “hey it’s National send nudes day”
Person 2- sends nudes

by Some man from bhutan July 10, 2023