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peak fiction

Used to describe a piece of fiction that is at the ‘peak’ of fiction

Do you know any peak fiction?”
Classroom of the Elite

by baloniconsumer240 June 28, 2022

2👍 7👎

Peak fiction

Peak fiction is a term to describe a piece of media that has little to no flaws and is a perfect story throughout. The term was popularized on the anime tiktok community during September-November of 2020.

Man 1: What’s your favorite manga?
Man 2: I think my favorite is One Piece, i struggle to find any flaws in it and in my opinion it’s peak fiction!

by ynfethan September 8, 2021

4👍 4👎

Peak Fiction

Panty and Stocking

Person 1: Have You Watched Peak Fiction?
Person 2: You Mean Panty and Stocking?

by callmethekishin September 7, 2021

4👍 5👎

Peak Fiction

Naruto is Peak Fiction.

Naruto is peak fiction.

by fwkusana August 31, 2021

27👍 69👎

Peak Mid

Absolutely dogshit anime like pisspiece filleruto/midruto, and ichimid

“Damn bro piss piece, midruto, and ichimid were so fucking ass, call that shit peak mid cuz AOT is peak fiction“

by erensfemboy September 10, 2021

7👍 22👎

Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks refers to having ones collar "popped up".

Twin Peaks is used mostly for describing the collar of a Sunglass-wearing rock-and-roller, and used less for describing the collar of a frat boy or bro.

Guy 1:"Does Nick have his collar sticking up?"
Guy 2:"Yeah, he really can rock those twin peaks!"

by Anti-popppp December 11, 2011

24👍 79👎

Dante's Peak

The sensation of needing to throw up immediately prior or immediately after climaxing with a woman. This usually starts with mild rumblings but eventually lead to the full on feeling needing deposit the contents of one's stomach.

Also, the beauty of said partner can come into play when your body debates which eruption to let loose first. The better looking the partner, the closer your barfing will be to the skeeting, or post coitus. The worse looking your partner is, the harder it will be to withold the gastrointestinal blast.

Can be used as a verb, such as "I was Dante's Peaking or I Dante's Peaked last night."

I totally had a Dante's Peak moment with Kristina last night. I literally ran to the bathroom after I busted.

by The San Jose Sensation March 15, 2011

3👍 5👎