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Point Loma

The chillest, coolest, best and most relaxed and fun place in the best city, SAN DIEGO!
The cops are chill, there are some rich assholes, but mostly kick ass people.
Point Loma is the best place to be...ever.
1612! 619 playas

San Diego is the best place in the world, but when you want to break it down, Point Loma in SD is even better...

by BigRed1612 December 23, 2006

90๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guy Points

You earn these by doing something you don't really want to do in order to please a women. These points can be used as evidence of you being there for your woman, that you actually care about the activities she takes part it, or simply to impress her. These actions are more important during the early stages of a relationship, usually when one is trying to get with a girl. Once you're about 2 month's into a relationship, Guy Points aren't important.

Friend - "You're going to (insert girl name here)'s softball game?"
Me - "Yeah, but I'm going just to earn guy points."
Friend - "Oh nice dude."

by QuickandEZ June 28, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Victory Point

This is used when one cleary is the champion and chooses to show it by thrusting their arm in the air with their index finger pointed. This signifies the greatness they have achieved in their victory. Its mainly used in sporting events such as a race or something of that sort.

Guy 1: Did you just see k.c. do the victory point!?

Guy 2: Yeah man, what a champion!!! Did you know that he's 10th in the world in the 800 meter dash!?

Guy 1: Yeah i know, I wish I could pull off the victory point but Im just not a great champion like him.

by ChrisFow June 19, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

point spread

Point spreads are used in football and basketball. The point spread (or 'line') will try to make the game an even game by adding points to the score of the underdog or subtracting points from the favorite.

A game has four (4) straight wagering situations. You can wager on the 'side' of the game or the 'total' of the game. When wagering on a 'side', you can choose to wager on (a) the favorite team (the team most likely to win the game, or has the odds in its favor) or you can choose (b) the underdog (the team most likely to lose the game, or has the odds against it). A 'total' (or over/under) is the combined amount of points both teams will score in a game. When wagering on a 'total' (or over/under), you can choose to wager on (c) 'over' or (d) 'under' the total points scored.

by x February 1, 2004

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crown Point

A middle size town in Indiana, where everyone smokes weed. They all take pride in it as well.

I'm going to buy some weed from Crown Point.

by DivdbyTime May 17, 2011

126๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

brownie points

Recognition for a good, but non-useful suggestion or effort

He failed miserably, but earned brownie points for trying.

by Kenthar March 19, 2003

1053๐Ÿ‘ 347๐Ÿ‘Ž

hunters point

A prodominetly black neighborhood/ghetto in the southern east section of San Francisco. Home to the notorious Hunter's Point/Oakdale Projects and the district housing the most murder's in the SFC.

white boys shouldnt step into the HP, let alone even drive they cars on 3rd street

by hamydeez November 3, 2004

202๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž