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Straight Farming

The act of pwning someone in SSF4 (Super Street Fighter 4) while using Vega. This word arrived from a small town in Texas named Friona where 1 young mexican/spanior guy who lived in a trailer home with nothing else to do but to play games began saying this word after every win on xbox live.

Ulga:take that you flaming queer (playing as ryu)

Oscar:haha cant hit me (playing as Vega)

Ulga: Hadoken!!!!!

Oscar:too slow you nub nub
(Vega wins)
Oscar: come back after some practice noob, ha ha Straight Farming

Ulga:NOOO!..... damn farmers

by UltraCow June 9, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

factory farms

A bleak place where animals are raise in a prison like compound which restrict thier movements.

Factory farms are so like the stone age. I prefer to get my meats either organic or from a free range farm.

by BruinKiller3469 March 29, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Semen farm

The accumulation of semen crusties on a rag or towel.

Dude I found Trudells jerk off rag, he's made a very fertile semen farm.

by Redwingsfan February 1, 2014

Shard farming

The act of digging in the carpet, usually by a tweaker, in search of small fragments of methamphetamine that were dropped. In most cases there is no methamphetamine found. A sure sign that this has occurred is nice, neat, little piles of trash several feet from one another on the carpet that have been raked up by the tweaker while on his or her conquest.

Carl, get out of the goddamn floor! Quit shard farming! You didn't drop any dope!

by Wurm82 November 30, 2018

lit farms

A group of adults in North Texas that enjoy being over served at least 5 days a week. They partake in sausage Sundays, no internet and Pour Some Sugar On Me.

Did you see the Lit Farms group? Yeah they bent again. Typical.

by JfnG January 10, 2023

farm emo

an emo/scene kid that rounds up cattle, takes part in rodeos, owns horses, lives on a farm or aspires to in their future.

I write sins not tragedies? more like i ride horses and round up cattle. farm emo

by sullybuckets February 21, 2022

Compliment Farm

Post or thread on social media created solely to garner positive attention and validation. Often these "compliment farms" will pose under the guise of vulnerable or marginalized individuals seeking help or support. These "compliment farmers" will pretend to suffer from real issues or dilemmas, such as body dysmorphic disorder, to inspire agreements, head pats (and OF link views) from their audience.

Q: "Awww man this girl posted in /r/amiugly and she is maybe a 10/10. Isn't that sad?"
A: "Its probably a compliment farm - look at her post history."
Q: "Yea, im seeing some thirstrappyness here. Belongs in /r/ValidateMe"

by /u/UrbanSombrero August 15, 2023