An incredible quote by some fucking cow idk
"Hey man, secrets don't last at Tilted Towers."
"Are you high"
Dude, you're totally pulling a Dima right now, chill!
Dima = tilted
someone whose upset over little things
Bro was tilted after he died in Call Of Duty
When your mate rolls so many Nat 1s in a single session he takes out his frustration on the only thing he can hit, a fellow party member.
"I think Landon got pretty tilted by his rolls last night."
When your drunk asf and cant walk straight
Bob: damn bro you drank a lot
Sara: yea I cunt evaN wAlk
Bob: your so tilted🤣
It is when you are mentally down and start performing sub-par to your actual capabilities.
I was so tilted that I lost the game of CSGO! Damn!