Following the 2020 decriminalization of most drugs by Oregon. The Oregon Trail is a line of coke so long that you die of dysentery half way through.
Did you hear about Johnny?
No, what happened?
Dude tried the oregon trail at that party...he didn't make it.
How'd he di- wait....don't you dare say it.
El Aaron and Senior Vredenburgh traveled the 2000 mile Oregon trail on unicorns.They killed multiple people on the way starting there Mexican mafia. Then 800 years later they started making wine in the lunch room with the grapes Senior Vredenburghs mommmy packed him for lunch. THE END.
El Aaron and Senior Vredenburgh traveled the Oregon trail which led to the start of the Mexican Mafia.
When a girl is on top, you grab her by the hips, spin her around and slam it in the backdoor
"The other night I gave Amanda the old Oregon backcountry bouncer"
The Oregon sneeze is when you perform anal sex and the participants sneezes and semen ejects from their nose
I was with Sara the other night and she did the Oregon sneeze
biggest guy in town, loves taking dick in the bum. knows that caleb is a big fraud and that he can suck oregons dickk
dam is that oregon cause i think hes a nigger balls
Ok state while no tax is good the highschoolers who think there tough there can suck a dick
Hometown of the incredible hippie nation, hipsters and beer drinkers. Better bring all seasons in your suitcase because our weather is bipolar, literally.. and if you want everybody to know your not from here, just use an umbrella when its raining! its also pronounced or-eee-gone. not or-o-gone. we like to eat organic as well.and we recycle..obviously. we don't have pools because we have earth pools, that are already made.. by the earth. our state is beautiful and full of fresh air. pictures here our incredible..