Person who professionally deals with the health of minor wee wee.
K Timmy, the peepee-atrician needs to take a looksie at your schnitzel.
A great way to refer to sexual relations with a narcissistic man (while roasting him)
Narcissist: Oh yeah? Well kiss having sex with me goodbye!
Normal person: *sarcastically* No more magic peepee time? Oh no lol
Peepee flaps are what you yell to your best friend when you are bored
Girl1: I am bored. Girl2: PEEPEE FLAPS! Girl1:lmfao
A dog that continuously poops, pees, and whines everywhere, in spite of the efforts of the trainers to condition them to do the opposite.
Leo is the biggest peepee poopoo whinewhine in history.
person 1: “turtle peepee?”
person 2: “geheheggerrrrgrggr YES!”