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Potato = native Norwegian. Slightly offensive, but most Norwegians won't care.

Raghead: Get out of my way, potato!
Norwegian: OK

by Harlekin August 26, 2008

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another word for pot.

man, lets go smoke some magical potatoes.

by kkkhijklmnopqrustilkajgbdfvcliuhjksfdlkj January 10, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb. To hit or be hit.

Did you see that cop potato that protesters head with his club?

by AJ March 30, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The female genitalia, commonly found inbetween the legs.

"Shit man, look at that girls potato!"

by The Gow-man March 20, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Potato. It's a way of life
A way of living
Everyone is a potato
No one can change that
Sure theres ugly ones, gay ones, pretty ones and depressed ones
But only 1 is the best
And that my friend is a baked potato (no that is not a racist joke chill)
Now I shall say, all potatoes go to hell

Ur a gay potato. Ur an ugly potato. Ur a potato.

by LonelyPotato55 September 14, 2019

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The only thing that holds life as we know it together.

"Potato." -Person #1274913514

by MeeseFTW October 31, 2014

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used to describe someone who outwardly exudes zero stimulating personal qualities, usually living a very unexciting and generally boring-as-fuck life; in other words, a quiet, lifeless human who deprives you of solitude without providing you company.

Can be used as a noun or an adjective interchangeably for anyone who possesses the above characteristics.

Used as an adjective:
Girl- "Why did you break up with her, you were together for so long!!!"
Guy- "I just kind of realized we're very different people - I love to live life and just have fun and that's like totally not her at all. I couldn't see myself marrying her. She's too potato for me."

Used as a noun:
Girlfriend- "I'm still not comfortable with your assistant being so pretty, it makes me nervous."
Boyfriend- "Please don't worry, you have nothing to worry about. She's a potato. Not a threat, hunny."

by Fofanzz November 16, 2014

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