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To steal/take something.

Dude, you totally punk'd my stuff!

by Elphess July 8, 2009

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rebel. one who hates some aspects of life and trys to get away from them by means of depression.

sarah is such a punk. she hates her parents and ran away from home with all her bootleg hard core rock cd's.

by xborn2shine109x May 13, 2005

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A loud and stupid form of rock music generally involving people who want to be "different". Stuck in one mindset, overly loud and opinionated so they can be accepted by their peers.

I know that the punks will vote bad on this because they are too close minded to ever accept that they are lame.

by liza d. May 13, 2005

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Gravy Punk

A genre of steam punk created by Kurtis Conner in episode #125 of his podcast Very Really Good, "Holy Shift". Gravy Punk is where a person wears a regular suit but has gravy pouring out of all of their pockets, without turkey on their heads and also in their pockets.

"Did you hear about the Gravy Punk convention that's happening in 2022?"
"yeah, I did, we need to make new gravy recipes for it!"

by tpwkkayyy February 10, 2021

Acid Punk

A sub-genre of rock music.
The lovechild of punk and Psychedelic rock .
Acid is LSD, so basically, punk on a trip.
But it doesnt just have to be acid, it can be anything....

It can be any kind of punk the musician wants it to be, the limits are their imagination, which is boundless when amplified.

So I will leave you with some quotes.

Acid punk.

"Turn on. Tune in. Drop out."

"Knock on the sky and listen to the sound."

"I think of it this way: Sobriety is a six sided cube. Each angle representing one facet of life, society, the tangible world, your thoughts, etc. On mushrooms, you feel like you are interpreting about 20,000 angles at once... The fun part is that you can keep up. "

"Shrooms are awesome for getting back in touch with your root.
LSD is for reaching out with your branches."

"Remember, the drugs are just a tool, a map to the treasure, not the treasure itself."

"I'm not addicted to cocaine. I just like the way it smells."

"I used to get high on life until I realized that life was cut with morons"

"The Grass is always greener ... when it is rolled up in a paper."

by Sunil. April 15, 2010

Freak Punk

one that is unusual or abnormal as a person.

one that takes Punks individualism to an extreme and lives life as his or her own self. Who is not a clone and a copy of others. Who is influenced by other things and people but is in no way just a copy or a clone of something else. And also lives by punk standers and Moral and part of the punk subculter but does just fit into the sterotype of what others thinks punk and being punk is. One that is his or her own person.

To the world and maybe even to other Punks a Freak Punk may look unusual or abnormal Just because he or she is an Individual and not a copy of what is treandy and popular and dare to be different that others by being him or her own self.

Guy1: That guy is so diffrent and strange. He's not like anyone I ever see.

Guy2: Yeah he must be one of those Freak Punks. He's so abnormal and such a freak..

by Freak Show April 11, 2006

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Daft Punk

In the early 90's, Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel de Homem-Christo said, "Fuck terrible music!" and created Daft Punk, the French-born Androids created by the will of the universe to change music forever. To distinguish themselves from other musicians of lesser importance, they clad themselves in metal and leather, and kickass helmets to boot. They created albums like Human After All, Alive, Discovery, and Homework. Then, in the summer of 2011, the infamous musical scourge DUBSTEP was created. Accompanied by the witch-harpie-dyke Skrillex, they plunged the world of music into a bass-heavy Hell, filled with a whole generation of club-goers that awkwardly nod their heads to the WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB and wonder how the hell they're supposed to dance to this shit. With Daft Punk seemingly gone from the Earth, it seemed that the future of music was doomed.

But hope came in the form of an unexpected ad during a 2013 SNL episode, when a 16-second blip of rhythm and funk was immortalized in the remixes on YouTube. Daft Punk had returned, with a new album called RAM and single set for April 19- "Get Lucky." As soon as the single released, there were multiple accounts of cranial implosion, comatose states of euphoria, and eargasms. It seemed that Daft Punk had taken the first shot in the war against Dubstep. The worlds of both old-school and new age wait with bated breath, hoping against hope that Daft Punk can prevail against Dubstep, and usher the world into a new musical era of funk.

Dude 1- "Man, I hate all these Daft Punk puns, they just get annoying."
Dude 2- "What are you talking about? Their new single was released on your birthday! It's like they created a song just for you!"
Dude 1- "Yeah, I guess they are Human After All."

Old Guy- "Back in my day, these Daft Punk guys were awesome! I saved a vinyl for my future grandkids, so they could know real music."
His 13-year-old bitch of a granddaughter- "Ew, grandpa, no one uses vinyls anymore. And I'VE never heard of these guys. But I guess if Skrillex can fuck a floppy disk and call it music, what have I got to lose?"

by alongwindedstoryteller April 22, 2013

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