A more simpler and more generalization of the term is when someone starts explaining the formula of e equals mc squared, when nobody even asked for it and/or cares. Basically someone who never shuts up about anything medical, technological, biological, historical, logical, how great a movie is, how great a game is, why someone is so cool, alright alright, you get the point.
Major Zero: She was originally named Quack.
Naked Snake: Because she never shuts up.
Major Zero: Yes, that's exactly it.
Paramedic: No it's not. Snake tell him.
Naked Snake: ...Gotta go.
That is the sound that a duck makes
I don’t know why you’re here
Duck: *quack quack quack*
Other duck: *quack quack quack quack*
Duck: *quack quack, quack quack quack quack*
Other duck: ... *quack*
Verb; An action in which someone curses
Adjective; Fake, (a fake friend), Gold digger, black widow,
Verb - Braydon was quacking lat night on Dylans "Christian" Minecraft server. He kicked him AND me! All because I was the one that invited him!
Adjective - Hey, don't be upset. She was a quack! She doesn't deserve you.
refers to the act of "ducking" or purposely ignoring people's phone calls because you don't want to hang out with them.
"Ryan's been such a quack lately since he started dating Emily"
British Slang for the doctors.
Right I'm off the the Quacks for an appointment.