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When your body shakes baby, you know.

The act of a self induced orgasm.

Be right back, going for a quick shiver.

Michael hasn't given it to me in weeks, have been going for quick shivers instead.

by MichaelTheInnovator February 19, 2019

Quick Scope

A Quick scope was born from the Call Of Duty and Halo franchises. The idea is to pull in your scope and shoot at the moment you see your crosshairs. this can be useful in combat because a skilled player may be able to pull this off and get accurate, one-shot kills. This is normally for show and is not the best way to play unless you want to impress others by making videos or compilations. Machinima.com is a great place to find these montages and skill in Quickscoping.

xXLegi1tSnipeZz x tried to knife me but i Quick Scoped him and got a one shot kill. stupid nooblet.

by BlackBird RaZe June 20, 2010

147πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž

strawberry quick

nickname for new strawberry colored, scented, and flavored form of crystal meth; supposedly to attract a younger teeny-bopper market

Hey Lindsay, could you get me an 8 ball of strawberry quick when we get out of rehab?

by Wacky Paki October 10, 2007

14πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Quick Scope

It was first used in PC games such as CS you console faggot.

See me quick scope two of those terrorist.

by PC>Consoles July 28, 2010

148πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž

Quick math

A sarcastic remark to an obvious statement, usually associated with mathematical applications.

Brandon: We have seven people in our group.

Cody: Oh yes, Brandon with the quick math.

by aballinwhitey December 21, 2010

26πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Quick Math

A sequence of events that take place in order to determine a greater variable. A set of equations that alow for someone to determine if they are going to have a β€œgood” night.

β€œIs tonight a quick math night?”
β€œI’m not sure...pull out your 50 ergo curved custom calculator and let’s find out. But hurry...it’s almost 10 Alcock”

by 123 quick maths January 23, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

quick question

A very decieving word that actually means the question itself will be a lengthy diatribe of mundane subject matter ...not even requiring an answer but more of an editorial.

Keith let me ask you a quick question? What do you think of that blah blah dress blah blah Britney blah blah ...can you actually beleive that blah blah whore blah blah and more blah.

by Misanthropic71 March 24, 2008

33πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž