Used to describe a Formula 1 racing collision where none of the drivers involved is considered to be primarily at fault, but which is largely attributable to factors such as racing circumstances or track condition.
Sure Max slammed right into Lewis’s car, but it was clearly a racing incident.
Q: What the hell happened in the bathroom? A: It was clearly a racing incident.
the act of falsely accusing someone of lying about their race and trying to prove their identity to be a lie. racist people will race dox light skin and/or mixed people of color to justify being racist to them or to ruin the victim's reputation or credibility
"shes not actually a poc, shes white! look at her skin. i also searched her family, found pictures of her from her past schools, and used a burner to get accepted into her twitter pages"
"what the fuck. you do realize race doxxing is racist, right? keep your nose in your cracker business"
Race doxxing refers to the racist practice of trying to prove someones race to be fake. White (derogatory) people who want to be racist to POC, will try to "prove" that the POC in question is actually white. Typically, this happens to mixed-race POC.
Some race doxxers will also try to prove that a light-skinned POC is mostly white by arguing that they are white passing, and therefore the race doxxer can claim they cannot be racist to the POC because the POC is too white to experience racism.
Shaun: Why are you making comments about her skin color and harassing her?
Emily: Well, she's actually white and just tries to look darker in her pics. Or at least she's white-passing.
Shaun: No, she's biracial. If she says she's Black, she's Black. Stop race doxxing. You just want an excuse to be racist.
When your one race on the outside and another on the Inside. When people judge you by your looks before they meet you and when they met you your totally the opposite of the stereotype of the race they thought you were. When everything you do or say is related to the race that is within you. When you feel like crap because you feel stuck in someone Elses body.
Malik: That black girl is so Two-Raced, got accepted into Havard, and all she wears is PINK Yoga Ulimate Pants, UGGS, and a black Northface.... She also listens to Katy Perry And is obsessed with Starbucks
To drink something extremely fast, as if you are in a race. Usually an alcoholic beverage.
Yo man I chugs-raced a mickey of Jameson last night, now my head hurts.
Outdoor game in London, or any other congested city. Players must race against a bus on foot. Very easy in the West End, much more difficult in suburbs. Very similar to bus pontoon.
"The tube was on strike again so I spent the day bus racing"