to shave one's entire body hair.
I razorize myself and the chicks totally dig it.
I genatalia of a very thin woman on which you are afraid of cutting yourself.
Caroline was so thin she had a razor pussy.
When your poops so dense and there's a lot of it, when it passes through your anal canal and gives you a slight sensation of razor burn.
Holy moly, grandmother's chicken pot pie just loaded me up with razor poop.
A razor blade hard on is a person who cuts there self so much they give a razor blade a hard on
Emo kid: I wanna die razor blade hard on
Razor blade: oh yeaaaaaaa I got a hard on
A person who is d e f i n i t e l y not a furry but always makes himself look sus by simping for Mountain
The location where prostitutes ply their trade. Also known as the ho stroll, the blade or the track.
After I knock the bitch off that Woodward Ave razor, out there in that Detroit, she been sockin' it to a pimp's pockets.. dig?
A person who cares About you and is nice at times. He'll make you laugh and loves Joe mama jokes
- Fay
Razor is my best friend an I love him so much