The act of getting some one black out drunk on Crown Royal, inserting your fist into their anus, and leaving before they awaken.
I think my girl friend went crown rumping last night because my ass hurts and there were plastic gloves on the night stand this morning.
Rump in Crock: This is a group activity where every participant deficates in a warm ceramic pot. Once that step is complete, each person takes turns dipping their bottom end into the pot. Step three is to....Sniff your partners rump and take a guess at who’s poop occupies the majority of your partners rump.... the person who guesses correctly gets to eat the rest of the crock
“Hey guys, Matt wants to play Rump in Crock because he missed out last time. He brought his own Crock and he’s ready to get rumped!
to turn right while in a car or on foot
"Where is this place, man?"
"You need to be slappin' a rump right here, dude."
A way in which to describe something/someone that is appealing, mainly aesthetically. Used in conjunction with the way in which someone would describe a delicious tender steak.
Mate, Becky is looking rump today!
A rump is a term used for ass or butt
Ah that’s a nice rump you got there
(v.) (In especially 2D platformer video games) A portmanteau of the words "right" and "jump", meaning to jump right, or to jump to the right.
Now I just need to rump over this enemy and I should be done with the level.
Something the president of Brazil promised us.
person 1: the president promised us Rump steak
person 2: it never came